Customer Reviews

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17 responses to “Customer Reviews

  1. Wow, Dan! I just checked and you have fifty-three 5-Star reviews! Congratulations!

  2. Lauren

    Whoa, you are a phenomenal writer. My friend bought your book the other day, and I was automatically drawn to the cover. I couldn’t put the book down, and as soon as it was over, I wanted more. I can’t wait for the sequel. Keep up the good work! 🙂

    • Daniel

      Thank you, Lauren. Comments like yours are what drive me and keeps me writing. I’m 50,000 words into the sequel–should be completed in a few months. But I don’t know how soon it will be published. Check my blog regularly for updates.

      Thanks again.


  3. Hi Dan,
    Just stumbled upon you–the New York, San Diego connection, plus the fact you’d written a book about twins caught my attention. I’m a New Yorker and an identical twin, who lived out in Del Mar for about eight years. I wrote two novels and numerous short stories while living a bi-coastal existence. Wish I’d run into you during those days. I didn’t know many writers. I’m ordering the Kindle edition of your book and will be sure to write review on Amazon. Best of luck.
    Thomas Fitzsimmons

    • dmannechino

      Thanks for the kind words and for your support. It’s a tough world out there for aspiring writers. I’ve learned (painfully) that for a writer, rejection is a necessary prerequisite to success. I hope you enjoy They Never Die Quietly. If you do, keep in mind that my second novel, Resuscitation, will be released on October 11.
      All the best,


  4. mrstoro

    Daniel, please enlighten readers about a reviewer’s remark about your response to his/her reading experience.It is about your book, Resuscitation. I don’t know if the link works – the discussion is initiated by 1-star review McCarthy. Word is spreading about this, your response is greatly appreciated.

  5. dmannechino

    Mrstoro, thank you for alerting me of this reader conversation. Please go to and see my response. My nickname is Hemingway.

    • Cynthia

      Hi Mr Annechino,
      mrstoro already pointed out the issue on Amazon, and I know you already posted a reply. Unfortunately, no one believed it was you making the reply so your post was voted “unhelpful” and now does not display in the thread. I feel bad about this issue with someone posing as you and sending that nasty email.

      I would like to recommend that you post another reply on the Amazon thread with a pointer back to your response on your blog here so folks know it’s really you. I know this sounds like a pain for you to have to do this, but, people (like me) will not buy a book from a “nasty” author, so this comment thread does have an impact on your book sales.

      • Daniel

        Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. I think that some people will believe whatever they want to regardless of the evidence. I’ve thought about the situation carefully, and at this point, I feel it’s best for me to let it go and not comment any further. I spoke my piece and it is unlikely that additional information will change anyone’s opinion.

        Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. Tana Leigh Gabriel

    Just finished your book, Resuscitation. Couple of minor technical corrections: The caduceus is not the symbol of the medical profession. The caduceus, with two snakes, has been mistakenly adopted as such, but the authentic medical profession symbol is based on: The rod of Asclepius (⚕; sometimes also spelled Asklepios or Aesculapius), also known as the asklepian,[1] is an ancient symbol associated with astrology, the Greek god Asclepius, and with medicine and healing. It consists of a single serpent entwined around a staff. The name of the symbol derives from its early and widespread association with Asclepius, the son of Apollo, who was a practitioner of medicine in ancient Greek mythology. His attributes, the snake and the staff, sometimes depicted separately in antiquity, are combined in this symbol.[2] Hippocrates himself was a worshipper of Asclepius.[3]

    Also, O negative is not the rarest type of blood in humans. AB negative is the rarest, AB positive also extremely rate; A negative and B negative are considered rare. O positive is the most common type of blood; O negative is less common, but still not considered rare.

    • Daniel

      Thank you for pointing out the two errors with Resuscitation. No matter how much research an author does, technical mistakes sometimes occur. I thought I did my homework, but obviously, I should have done more.

      Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  7. Barry Wilkins

    I have just finished “I Do Solemnly Swear”, and enjoyed it. I do have some comments to make though. These are small errors, but nagged at me just the same. These comments all concern your Navy scenes.

    The first comment is that Navy officers, like all military officers, do not enlist or reenlist. They are commissioned and only have to resign their commission to be discharged. They must serve a minimum time before resigning. Also, in most instances they do not receive a bonus to stay in the service. This is not always true, but usually is.

    A Lt. Commander would not be 52 years old and run an operational organization. This is very old for a man of this rank. I would guess most would be in their mid- thirties or so.

    I also believe that you pilot would not be a Lt. after only four years, he would most likely be a Lt. J.G. A Navy Lt. is comparable to a Capt. in the other services.

    Other than that, i enjoyed your story.

    Thanks for listening.

    Barry Wilkins MSgt. U.S.A.F. (Ret.)

    • Barry, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Living in San Diego, a community with a large Navy population, I’ve received similar comments from other Navy guys. I guess I should have researched more. Again, thanks for the feedback!



  8. Barry Wilkins

    Also be aware that the Navy no longer has any battleships. The last battleship was the U.S.S. Iowa, and it was retired in the mid ’70s.

  9. Tasha

    In Hypocrisy, what happened with TJ and Dupree?? It was a great book. TJ and Dupree had a great connection. He made her dream come true what does she do for him? Do they become an item? There’s so many more questions I have

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